Well, I don`t know why I made this yesterday it just popped up in my mind.. But before this I saw a few of anime crew in twitter like #hetacrew #durararacrew or yeah the other. But I haven`t see Prince of tennis or Tenipuri crew yet :(

Okay what the meaning of crew or anime crew?

As I see in twitter, it is like RP (Role Playing) the characters in that anime. Well, I don`t know what the real meaning of those crews ._.


The #tenipuricrew (click to make it larger)




The members for now (click to make it larger):



The members:


Tezuka Kunimitsu: -

Echizen Ryoma: @tikaurll

Fuji Syusuke: @srschii

Kikumaru Eiji: @Britannia_Angel

Kaidoh Kaoru; @meybushi

Inui Sadaharu: -

Kawamura Takashi: -

Oishi Syuichirou: -

Momoshiro Takeshi:


Other team:


Atobe Keigo: @shishitori

Oshitari Yuushi:

Mukahi Gakuto: @__TD

Shishido Ryou:

Choutarou Ohtori: @_sakunoR

Hiyoshi Wakashi:

Kabaji Munehiro:



Yukimura Seiichi: -

Sanada Genichirou: -

Yanagi Renji: -

Niou Masaharu: @RyotanX

Yagyuu Hiroshi: -

Kirihara Akaya: -

Marui Bunta: @ghifffari

Jackal Kuwahara: -



Shiraishi Kuranosuke: @NAOmjjeje




If you want to join, don`t hestitate to mention me on twitter @RyotanX and fill the unfilled character ^-^

You always welcome there =D


Menurut yang melihat, bagusan mana Kucing apa Kumisnya deh?


(Kumis Kucing)



(Apa Kucingnya?)

Eng kemaren.. Eh, bukan kemaren sekitar 2 tahun yang lalu sebelum tulisan gede kecil jadi alay, sebelum gaya alay menjadi alay, sebelum orang yang gaul adalah alay dimasa itu, sebelum ade gw suka sm*sh, sebelum gw sakit batuk, sebelum gw…. Oke udah cukup. Gw sekedar mau memperlihatkan sialan betapa ga BANGET GW DULU.. Yak hanya satu foto yang paling mending yang gw perlihatkan, yah moga-moga sih mata yang liat masih dilindungi Tuhan Yang Maha Pengampun ya… fu..fu



Foto box dengan bergaya apa adanya layak anak gaul yang tersesat, dan kini sejak tahun 2010 sejak gaya aneh-aneh dianggap alay, foto mulai ga aneh-aneh lagi.


Padahal gw janjiin mau posting foto-foto gw pas pulang kampung, tapi berhubung card reader rusak, kabel USBnya juga error jadi tunggu laptop kembali aja deh. Iseng-iseng gw mau nulis biodata, bagi kalian yang blom tau silahkanlah baca. Ini hanya iseng belaka


Nama Lengkap: Tamara Rianti Utami

Nama Panggilan: Riri, Tam-tam, Tami, dan ***** (rahasia)

Tanggal Lahir: 27 September

Hobi: Online, Bermain Piano, Dengerin Musik, Membaca Buku, dan Fotografi

Aliran Musik Favorit: Klasik, Pop, dan Ballad

Cita-Cita: Teknisi Komputer, Fotografer, atau Pianis (Ini banyak banget)

Buku Favorit: Segala jenis komik shoujo (Ampun ini aib gw)

Organisasi di Sekolah: Hanya English Club dan Inori (Japan Club) –_-;;

Makanan Favorit: Nasi Goreng ala Mama =w=b

Minuman Favorit: Susu Coklat, dan Teh Hijau –_-b

Tokoh Favorit: Nabi Muhammad SAW, Frederic Chopin, dan Orang tua

Anime Favorit: Tenipuri, The World God Only Knows, Nodame Cantabile, dan Bleach

Future Husband: 



(Perhatian, yang pake kacamata loh ya xD)


Future Wife:



Demikianlah yang bisa hanya sampaikan, perhatian ini hanya fiktif belaka. Jika ada kesamaan nama atau tokoh mohon dimaafkan karena saya hanya manusia biasa

Today, he updated his status in twitter that said his new album MV already uploaded in Youtube, and Niconico and he gave the links too... AND OMG HIS SONGS VERY NICE XDD.. here those songs, enjoy :3

My favourite is Heart of Glass



Heart of Glass:




Pieces disini mengingatkan gue akan kua Black Forest yang dibeli papah 3 bulan yang lalu di kantornya (?) *penting?*

Okay, disini gue mau berbagi piece-piece (kue) yang gue anggap paling enak banget kalo didengerin pas lagi belajar trus besoknya ulangan deh.. Gue sih paling seneng yang piece Chopin yang Noctrune Op.9 No.2 itu mengingetin banget pas pertama kali liat orang main piano di youtube, emosinya itu loh yang luar biasa banget >< . 1000 thumps up buat Chopin sama yang buat mainin di youtube.

Chopin - Noctrune Op.9 No.2


Dolly's Dreaming and Awakening - T Oesten

Kalo ngedengerin piece yang ini, gue berasa diantara boneka-boneka gothic yang lagi joget melingkar gitu deh :p


Cakewalk - Debussy

Yah sayang banget, ga bisa nemuin kualitas suara piece ini di youtube.. Padahal bagus banget :(

Cukuplah beberapa pieces yang bisa gue share disini.. Enjoy it =)

Source: Youtube and My Piano Book

Current Music: T-Max – Say Yes

Mood: Ngantuk ==

I just took this at 6 o`clock in the morning, The sky quiet beautiful I just love it x3








(Gelas dari kitchen set yang diisi dengan anggur imitasi tak lebih D:)




(Boneka jagung yang baru beli =D )




(Two lovey ducky x3)




(Random Flower ._. )







(Phail Photo LOL)




(Cuteeee~ I just found it in front of my house x3)




(Bunga Melati ._. )




(Hape jelek yang suka nge-hang, memorinya tinggal 109 MB dari 1GB.. *penting?* )










Current Music: Super Junior M – Perfection.

Mood: Tired, mau ujian piano stressnya setengah idup ._.

Trying to take snapshot of the animals, but bars get in the way? What should I do?

Well, If you use IS (Image Stabilizer)  lenses you can follow this tips =). LOL and I never try this one because I don`t go to the zoo lately and follow this tips Dx


1. Simply set your lens to telephoto

2. Choose the Av mode and hold the operture as wide open as possible

3. Approach the cage as close as safely possible and shoot

Source: Canon Photography Book (Great Photography IS easy)

Well, I just heard his song. And OMG there`re sooooo damn great *nods* I already search his album for 3 days and that`s too long D:. I`m soo thankful with someone who uploaded Yukimura`s new album in youtube, and I`m here to share the mp3.. I hope everyone enjoy it =)

幸村精市 (Yukimura Seiichi)  - Bottom Line

幸村精市 (Yukimura Seiichi) – Greeting Voice

幸村精市 (Yukimura Seiichi) – Laser Beam

幸村精市 (Yukimura Seiichi) – Shuu

(Just Click the song title and you can download it ^^ )


Mood: Hungry

Current Music: 手塚国光&真田弦一郎 - 象さんのすきゃんてぃ

Yap Yap today is Yukimura`s birthday x3 *throw confetti* and I drew a fanart for his preseeent. Well, it`s ugly, dusty, and and prepare your eyes to see this awful draw D:


Haha jelek kan gambarnya.. Yukimura (istriku) masih terlihat hancur dan bajunya ga banget :p


Current Music: Super Junior M – Perfection (too perfect)

Yak berhubung saya anak *ehem* TKJ alias Teknik Komputer Jaringan, yang mau tak mau saya harus belajar angka-angka yang berasal dari negeri antah-berantah.. Inilah istilah-istilah Jaringan yang saya pelajari disekolah, semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan anda yang masih awam.

1. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) : Alat Penghubung yang di gunakan menghubungkan komponen peripheral ke komputer

2. LAN (Local Area Network) : Jaringan yang menghubungkan suatu kelompok komputer dalam wilayah yang kecil

3. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) : Jaringan yang menghubungkan suatu kelompok komputer antar kota

4. WAN (Wide Area Network) : Jaringan yang menghubungkan suatu kelompok komputer antar pulau

5. IP (Internet Protocol) : Alamat dari suatu komputer untuk koneksi ke internet

6. AP (Access Point) : Perangkat jaringan wireless yang menghubungkan client wireless

7. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) : Kabel yang digunakan untuk membuat jaringan dengan jarak maksimal 100 M

8. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) : Untuk tukar-menukar data dari suatu komputer ke komputer lain dalam jaringan internet

9. DNS (Domain Name System) : Sebuah sistem yang menyimpan informasi nama host maupun nama domain

10. URL (Uniform Resoucer Locator) : Suatu alamat yang menunjukkan ke suatu dokumen

11. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) : Suatu protokol yang berfungsi untuk menukar file dalam suatu jaringan

12. OSI (Open System Interconnection) : Sebuah model arsitektural jaringan

13. VPN (Virtual Private Network) : Jaringan Pribadi untuk menghubungkan antar komputer

14. WWW (World Wide Web) : Suatu alamat untuk menjelajahi suatu web

15. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) : Sebuah alamat untuk mendownload suatu data

16. WINS (WIndows Internet Name Services) : Sebuah layanan untuk melakukan registrasi terhadap nama NETBIOS

17. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) : Digunakan untuk mengirim pesan kesalahan

18. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) : menyatukan layanan antara data, suara, dan gambar dalam suatu jaringan

19. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer) : organisasi internasional , beranggotakan para insinyur, dengan tujuan untuk mengembangan teknologi untuk meningkatkan harkat kemanusiaan.

Mohon diberitahu ya jika saya menulis atau keliru dalam menulis istilah-istilah berikut. Karena saya masih dalam tahap pembelajaran =D

I already knew it since December 2010 but I just saw the picture yesterday xD.. Well, I don`t get the story about, I just found the pictures


I think no Yukimura there TwT how saaaad!!

Nothing to do.. I`m damn bored and badmood someone distrub me when I did my homework around a hour ago D:

Well, I hope after I told the truth to her she will understand me I`M A HIGH SCHOOLER NOW, SO I`M BUSIER THAN BEFORE OKAY!!! I hope she read that xD

Hnn, yesterday I took some uselessness pictures of my stuff (again) Here you go.. I hope it won`t broke your computer D=



A doll from Kobato. anime but I don`t know the name :p



My lovely dog doool… Aw, so cute >w<



My bag, NO my hand bag :p




My anime figurines… Those are Hitsugaya Toushirou (bleach), Tezuka Kunimitsu (Tenipuri), and Echizen Ryoma (Tenipuri).




Same as before but different pose of Tezuka :p




Different angel :p




My Chocolate box, my mom change it become a jewelry box LOL xD





A little pieces of my phone, Oh my it`s look goldy here :3





Random stars are fallen from the sky last night D<





Different angle ^^




My keychain on the bag, Rukia from bleach xD


Current Music: Tezuka Kunimitsu – Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Current Mood: Baaaad~ D=

Yesterday I took some photos with whole my classmate because my teacher Miss Mellyana with quit from my school T^T .. Who`s the photographer? LOL of course me xD

OKies, those are the photos





Title: Undecided
Artist: Yukimura Seiichi
Release Date: March 5, 2011 (Sat)
Product number: NECA-23014
Price: ¥ 2,300 (tax included)

Yes, Yukimura wants release his new album… xD

Source: tenipuri.jp

There`s a new version of “テニスの王子様 ぎゅっと!ドキドキサバイバル海と山のLove Passion”

Nintendo DS re-appeared! survival on a deserted island life! ?
PS2 software was released as "The Prince of Tennis Doki Doki Survival foot Mystic ""The Sea Secret " is one of the Nintendo DS re-appearance of the two works becomes soft.
New scenarios and volumes of minutes of work if the elements are added in 2 DS New!


Some pictures:





[Product Information]
Genre: Love Adventure
Release Date: Undecided
Platform: Nintendo DS
Players: 1
CERO age group: Scheduled review
© Konomi Takeshi / Shueisha NAS · Prince of Tennis Project
© 2011 Konami Digital Entertainment

Source: tenipuri.jp

I got this anime recommend from “Animonster” Magazine January 2011 edition. after I read the article I think this anime was very interesting so I asked my friend and she said it was funny too. So, I decided to browsing it, floaa, I found the manga and started to read it, I wanna watch the anime too >.< Well this is the summary of that Anime

The World God Only Knows (神のみぞ知るセカイ?, Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai), abbreviated asKaminomi (神のみ?),[1][2] is a manga series written and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki. The manga has been serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine by Shogakukan since April 9, 2008, with individual chapters collected in eleven tankōbon volumes as of December 2010. The prototype version of the story was first featured as a one-shot on Weekly Shōnen Sunday on its 2007 Issue 32 release, and was titled "Koishite!? Kami-sama!!" (恋して!? 神様?). The 2010 Issue #19 of Weekly Shōnen Sunday announced an anime adaptation had been green-lit, which premiered on October 6, 2010.


Keima Katsuragi, a second-year high school student, is an avid bishōjo game player. He is known on the Internet as "The Capturing God (落とし神 Otoshi-gami?)" for his legendary skills to be able to "capture" any 2D girl in games. However, in his actual school life, Keima is known as otamegane (オタメガネ), a derogatory portmanteau of the two words otaku (オタク) and megane (メガネ-"glasses"), and is considered nothing but an intelligent yet gloomy geek with glasses.

At the start of the series, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to "capture" girls. When he accepts it, thinking it is an invitation to a game, a demon from Hell named Elsie appears. She asks for his cooperation to help her in catching runaway spirits. These spirits hide themselves inside the hearts of girls, and Elsie suggests that the only method to force the spirits out is by "capturing" the girls hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps which the runaway spirits hide in. Interested only in 2D girls, however, Keima is appalled by the idea, and refuses the assignment as he has no romantic real life experiences whatsoever. Nevertheless, with the contract already agreed, Keima has no choice but to help Elsie no matter what, as they will be beheaded if they fail.

Source: wikipedia.org

Some pictures I found


(Oooooh Keima… Damn handsome >w< )




Hmm, I just checked the official website of Tenipuri. Argh, AGAIN I can`t read it not anymore I can read it but just a little bit :p AH, now my problem just THE LANGUANGE Oh my T^T

So I decided to use romaji translator to read the kanji. Ah, I understood what the Information write there.. That`s a new Valentine kiss okay.. I just got this

アーティスト:鳳 長太郎 with 氷帝学園中
品 番:NECM-10152
価 格:¥777(税込)

Title: Valentine Kiss (Limited Edition Complete)
Artist: Ootori Choutaro
Release Date: January 22, 2011 (Sat)
Product number: NECM-10152
Price: ¥ 777


アーティスト:福士ミチル with 銀華中
品 番:NECM-10153
価 格:¥777(税込)

Title: Valentine Kiss (Limited Edition Complete)
Artist: Fukushi Michiru
Release Date: January 22, 2011 (Sat)
Product number: NECM-10153
Price: ¥ 777

LOL I was totally laughing when I watch this xD

This Pairpuri 8 which is the picture drama have such funny story but I don`t know exactly what they`re talking about I just understand a little bit of Japanese xD

Luckyly my friend help me to understand more this video, I was very thank to her ^^

The snapshot of the Pairpuri 8 picture drama




(Momo told Ryoma that he must appreciate Sanada had invited them to this Matsuri)



(OMG!! Sanada and Yagyuu in Shitsuji Uniform >w< SO HANDSOME ROCKS!!! and don`t forget they had welcoming Ryoma and Momo )



(Ready to see what happen after this Picture? xD )



(TADAAA!!! Beautiful Akaya Princess >w< . Akaya would you marry me? LOL)



(Ryoma and Momo laughing too loud in front of Akaya, and make him unconfident after all.. Poor Akaya D: )



(After Ryoma and Momo laughing at him, Akaya locked himself in the toilet. And don`t wanna become Cinderella after all D: )



(Yagyuu and Sanada coming then angry at Akaya D: )



(Finally he out from the toilet because Ryoma keep teasing at him xD )



(Yay, the Cinderella drama had started. Akaya keep playing his NDS while on the stage, how baka he is D: )



(LOL Bunta and Yagyuu become his evil sister.. Very suit them xD )



(TADA!!! Kinoko fairy or Mushroom fairy ready to help cinderella LOL.. He`s the ultimate fairy ever xD )



(Mushroom fairy gave Cinderella a mushroom carriage and a horse of course LOL )



(This is our OUJI-SAMA TODAY!!! )



(the Ouji-sama ran for his Princess D: )



(and found the princess crystal shoe)



(Yay, it fits Cinderella`s feet x3 )



(BUT before the next scene. Akaya ripped his gown D: the gown too small with his body)



(Yukimura ask Ryoma to changed role as Cinderella with Akaya because Yukimura think the gown fits Ryoma`s body )



(Ryoma was totally surprised D: and reject it but Momo keep force him to become Cinderella)



(Finally like this! They got married LOL xD )



(Ouji-sama want a kiss kiss from his Princess of course x3 )



(LOL but the princess run away, Poor Ouji-sama)



(After the festival in Rikkaidai. The Rikkai tennis team send a thank letter to Seigaku for Ryoma that wanna to change Akaya Cinderella role)



(All Seigaku member laugh at Ryoma. Poor him D: )



(TADA!! The photo had Rikkai send to Seigaku LOL )



Ah, I`m so glad can share this story to everyone ^^ you must watch it to feel the real fun in this video xD

If everyone want donwload the video, just click here.. The video format is .flv I don`t have the other one ^^`

Thanks for reading this. Sorry my english isn`t good >.<b

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Hey I`m Reeree I like everything about Anime, Cosplay, and Japanese Culture. but I like Photography, Classical music and art. Thanks for visiting here ^^
